Nokia and Microsoft celebrate coming together with a #MoreColorful video

    Nokia Microsoft More Colourful

    Nokia today released a new video showing the history behind the company using some of the things that we have been replaced by better technology and the future that holds for both Microsoft and Nokia moving forward. Its a 90's child, Rube Goldberg style video which shows off Nokia's humble beginnings, to well, its inclusion into the Microsoft "family".

    You can see floppy disks, tape rolls, Windows XP wallpaper, Snake game, the original XBOX and then the Lumia which jumps out of a Window ("literally" saying Windows Phone). You can read more about the making of the video at Nokia Conversations blog.

    Whatever, the case maybe. Nokia's decision to stick with Windows Phone might not have paid off in the way the company hoped but Microsoft now has the expertise and the resources to make Windows Phone the platform of choice, only if they can refrain from their internal politics.

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